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ADT outdoor camera on a Rochester home
June 24, 2021

Tips To Protect Your Rental Property In Rochester

Whether you’re renting out your parents' old condo or you have an array of investment properties, you are aware of how difficult it can be to protect a rental property in Rochester. If vacant, your unit might be appealing for burglars or intruders. Also, if you are currently renting, you have to be conscious of safeguard human beings.

Ranging from 24/7 monitoring to advanced smart devices, here are a few tips and tricks to make sure you’re fully protecting your Rochester rental property.

Use 24/7 Monitoring To Guard Your Vacation Or Rental House

A proven method to discourage rental or vacation property damage is the installation of a home security system with monitoring. Your guests will rest easier when they feel secure against invaders, primarily when Rochester is unknown to them. If a intruder attempts to break in, your security system will notify your ADT monitoring center while the high-decibel alarm warns everyone inside. You can even get an emergency alert to your mobile device in the event a surveillance camera picks up a potential burglar.

ADT smartlock on a Rochester home

Smart Key Codes Simplify Security With New Renters

If a renter vacates your property, you need to they don’t get entry to your property. If they took or copied a key, then they could possibly re-enter your home. To counteract this concern, you can change the locks after each renter or install smart locks with your security system. With smart locks, you can allocate each renter their own code number that will no longer work once they leave. And if they ever do come back and use their old code on the keypad, you will get an alert sent to your phone.

Automated Devices Protect Your Rental Property In Rochester -- Even When Your Property is Vacant

If you own a rental or airbnb in Rochester, you need to protect the unit when it's vacant. An effective way to achieve this is to make it look like there’s always activity within the home. By connecting your property’s security system to home automation components like lighting, entertainment systems, and climate control, your unit will consistently appear to be inhabited. Program the lights to turn on at regular intervals throughout the day and engage your sound system for a couple hours or more, and a would-be intruder will think twice before trying to enter. When you have the proper home security, you can set schedules through a mobile security app.

Protecting Your Rental Property In Rochester Starts With Customized Home Security

The benefits of an ADT system for real estate investors are numerous: smart locks, automation, and monitoring are just the tip of the iceberg. Get in touch with Secure24 Alarm Systems and our security specialists will start customizing an ADT protection plan that fits your needs. Phone (507) 218-4806 or fill out the form below to get started.